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SoulLovePeople has been providing medicines and relief supplies to marginalized people worldwide and taking care of their suffering neighbors through medical support activities.
Things that seem normal to those who are not lacking,
and things that are essential to life for the poor.
The tens of thousands of won that we easily pay
could be living expenses in an underdeveloped country for a month.

It is a miracle in world history that the Republic of Korea has gained its position in the world.
Then, accordingly, it would be our job to take care of countries that need our help

SoulLove People is a corporation affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and aims to improve the status of Korea through medical care and education for underdeveloped countries.
We hope many Korean companies and people will join this great precious achievement.
Thank you.

SoulLovePeople Chairman Lee Bun-hwa
  • 국세청
  • 국민권익위원회
  • 서울시